Boat Dock Annual Registration

Prior to January 1st of each year, the Owner of each Boat Dock shall purchase a Boat Dock Permit. Failure to register a Boat Dock on Lake Centralia shall be deemed a violation of the Municipal Code and a penalty of $100.00 will be assessed annually if not paid by January 1st each year. Consistently failing to pay, making late payments or not keeping the dock up to standard shall be a cause for permits to not be reissued. Annual fees shall be assessed as follows:

For each dock on Raccoon Lake that is up to 350 square feet of space shall be assessed $0.00 annually. For each dock on Raccoon Lake that is over 350 square feet of space shall be assessed $0.00annually.

For each dock on Lake Centralia that is up to 350 square feet of space shall be assessed $100.00 annually. For each dock on Lake Centralia that is over 350 square feet of space shall be assessed $200.00 annually.

For each dock over 800 square feet constructed after January 1, 2016 shall be assessed $500.00 annually. For each dock under 800 square feet of space shall be assessed the current annual fee.

For each dock over 800 square feet that have not applied and paid for the permit before January 1, 2016 the dock will no longer be grandfathered at the lower rate and shall be assessed $500.00 annually.


Owners of Boat Docks shall complete a registration form for each Boat Dock on their allotted space on the reservoir. The completed registration form can be found on the website or is available in the City Clerk's Office.